WpHG Compliance
For board members and managing directors of financial companies, compliance officers and sales representatives
With the seminar, you will receive your certificate as proof of your expertise
(e.g. for submission to BaFin) -
Tasks and duties of the WpHG Compliance Officer
MiFID II in practice
Tasks and duties of the Sales Representative and the Single Officer
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9.15 am – 1.00 pm
Tasks and Duties of the WpHG Compliance Officer
Guarantor liability – current BGH judgements on liability of agents
Targeted limitation of personal liability risks for MaRisk/ WpHG- compliance officer
Obligations arising from the MiFID Organisation Regulation and the MaComp
BT 1 Organisational requirements and tasks of the compliance function
- Monitoring tasks
- Risk analysis
- Monitoring activities
- Reporting duties and compliance with minimum content
- Advisory and participation tasks
MiFID II in practice: What you must pay attention
BT 2: Monitoring personal transactions: Which persons and transactions are relevant?
Key information document according to the PRIIPs Regulation: Requirements for fair, not misleading and unambiguous information
BaFin publishes 5 findings on product governance and review of suitability suitability according to § 31 para. 4 WpHG
The Complaints Report: Minimum Requirements for Complaints Management (RS 06/2018 + BT 12) implement audit-proof
S+P Tool Box
- S+P Tool: Risk Analysis
- S+P Handbook: Framework Conditions for the WpHG-Compliance Function
- S+P Job Description WpHG- Compliance
WpHG Compliance
2.00 pm – 5.00 pm
Tasks and duties of the sales representative and the Single Officer
Advisors in the area of tension between client, bank and supervision
Kick-back and Lehmann judgements on the concretisation of the duty of disclosure
Kick-back and Lehmann judgements on the concretisation of the duty of disclosure
New requirements for complex products and cross-selling (BT 13 / 14)
Control plan of the sales representative: monitoring and reporting duties, Review of sales targets, avoidance of conflicts of interest
Appointment of a Single Officer pursuant to § 81 para. 5 WpHG
- Tasks and powers of the single officer
- Risk analysis – requirements for third-party custody
- Risk-oriented monitoring of the third party
Interface WpHG Compliance, Sales Representative and Single Officer