S + P Compliance Services – Who we are
” We work in lean and manageable teams that bring solutions and ideas into the company.
Everyone benefits from this – employees, companies and customers.”
Are you looking for a compliance service provider with a focus on financial and non-financial companies? Then S+P Compliance Services is the right address for you.
S+P has been working for financial and non-financial companies for over 11 years. You will find our offices in Munich, Hanover, Vienna and London. We have a strong network of experienced consultants, compliance officers and experts who work together in partnership and trust across national borders.
All colleagues have learned their business from scratch. They have been working for many years for medium-sized companies in the automotive, construction, service, retail and wholesale, energy supply, healthcare, IT and semiconductor manufacturing, real estate, mechanical engineering and commercial vehicle industries.
In the financial sector, we serve banks and savings banks, factoring and leasing companies, financial service providers, insurance companies and institutional investors.
We are outsourcing providers
We provide outsourcing solutions for the commissioner system. We accomplish the following tasks for the establishment of an audit-proof system of authorized representatives:
- Appointment as money laundering officer, data protection officer, compliance officer, MaRisk compliance officer or internal audit;
- As money laundering officer, we monitor compliance with the relevant laws, including the requirements of other corporate guidelines on the appointment of officers;
- As Data Protection Officer, Money Laundering Prevention Officer, Compliance Officer or Internal Audit Officer, we advise and inform the company’s management with regard to existing obligations and are responsible for communicating with supervisory authorities;
- We monitor selected processes for compliance with the law on a random, risk-oriented basis and at appropriate intervals;
- As officers for data protection, money laundering prevention, compliance or internal auditing, we perform our duties without being subject to directives and using the necessary expertise. We report directly to the company’s management.
We operate online based Whistleblowing systems
The Whistleblowing Directive (EU DIRECTIVE – 2019/1937 EU of October 23, 2019) established minimum requirements for the protection of persons reporting breaches of Union law. The EU Whistleblowing Directive requires transposition into national law no later than 17/12/2021 or 17/12/2023.

Whistleblowing system in accordance with regulatory requirements
- Use of the S+P whistleblowing portal (DSGVO compliant);
- Case management: evaluation and initial assessment of whistleblowing reports
We conduct KYC-Research
- The “Know Your Customer” principle (KYC), the central element of which is customer identification, is one of the main pillars of money laundering prevention.
- It obliges institutions to ascertain the identity of the customer when the business relationship is established.
- Only by identifying the customer is it possible to fully trace the flow of money and the intermediaries, money holders and receivers involved in the payment chain.
- This is necessary not only from a money laundering perspective but also from a solvency perspective.
S+P KYC Research
- KYC searches using world-leading databases.
- UBO searches for complete contractor identification and completion of documentation in case of gaps.
Wir führen Compliance Monitorings durch
Obligated parties have the duty to determine whether the contractual partner or the beneficial owner is a PeP by means of appropriate, risk-oriented procedures.
The duty of due diligence in connection with PeP pursuant to Section 10 (1) No. 4 AMLA applies, on the one hand, when a business relationship is established (cf. Section 10 (3) No. 1 AMLA). The point in time of the obligation to check the PeP status of the customer is here the customer acceptance process or before the opening of the possibility of disposal for the customer.
S+P Compliance Monitoring
Damit es für Sie keine Probleme macht diese oder weitere Gesetzmäßigkeiten einzuhalten bietet S+amp;P ein Compliance Monitoring an, welches unter anderem folgende Services beinhaltet:
- PeP Status des Kunden,
- Sanktions- und Embargoregelungen,
- laufendes Transaktionsmonitoring.
We are looking forward to your questions – S+P Compliance Services – Who we are
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We will be glad to advise you on your concerns and questions about compliance and our services!