Supervisory Board Financial Company
This seminar will provide you with an overview of the new tasks and risks for the Supervisory Board of a financial company. You will learn about the interface with the commissioner system and how to audit-proof the organisation of your work. This seminar is a must for every member of a Supervisory Board of a financial company.
Supervisory Board Financial Company
For supervisory boards, managing directors and board members of financial companies, authorised signatories, compliance officers and internal auditors
With the seminar, you will receive your certificate as proof of your expertise
Rights and duties of the Supervisory Board of a financial company
Interface with the commissioner system: New tasks and risks for the the Supervisory Board
Audit-proof organisation of the Supervisory Board work
Book your Seminar
9.15 am – 1.00 pm
Rights and duties of the supervisory board in financial companies
Know the most important tasks from the KWG
- Discussion of the business and risk strategy
- Compliance with banking supervisory regulations
- Minimum requirements for risk management
- The most important regulatory ratios
Liability trap: material risks and risk decisions that deviate from them
Self-Assessment Supervisory Board and Executive Board
Remuneration systems for managing directors and employees
Interface between the commissioner system: New tasks and risks for the supervisory board
Model of the three lines of defence: Overview of the commissions
When must the supervisory board actively intervene?
Information and control duties of compliance officers:
- MaRisk compliance and WpHG compliance
- Money Laundering Officer and Fraud Officer
- Internal Audit and Audit Officer
Implementation of BAIT / KAIT / VAIT / ZAIT:
- Information Security Officer and Data Protection Officer
Tasks of the new commissions at a glance:
- Outsourcing officer and single officer
Requirements for minimum content and quality of agent reporting
Liability trap: Ad hoc reporting: safe behaviour in the escalation process
S+P Tool Box
- S+P Tool: Supervisory board panel for monitoring of reporting Duties
- S+P Check: Sample Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory Board
- S+P Check: Proper business organisation business organisation
Supervisery Board Financial Companys
2.00 pm – 5.00 pm
Audit-proof organisation of the supervisory board’s work
Articles of association and supervisory board regulations: Which control obligations must be observed?
Establish a multi-year risk-oriented monitoring plan:
- Information and control obligations from MaRisk
- Duties from the MiFID Organisational Regulation and the MaComp
Ensure the effectiveness of the
- Risk Management System
- Money Laundering Prevention System
- Internal control system
- Internal audit system
Minimum requirements for risk management:
- What duties of care must the managing director and the supervisory board have to fulfil?
- Essential innovations of MaRisk and the EBA guidelines
- New tasks for the MaRisk functions